Free wave prediction along a route
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Svašek Hydraulics provides free wave forecasts along a route for the next 7 days. This service is now (during this test phase) available for free.
Simply send an e-mail to and ase as subject the word "route". In the body of the email information of the route should be given.
All positions are to be given in latitude, longitude in which positive latitudes refer to North and positive longitudes to East,
see the interactive map with co-ordinates or choose a map from the table below. Each blue dot in these maps represents a NOAA data point.
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The number of waypoint may vary between 0 and 10. Delay (in hours) is anoption to shift the start of the trip.
Sailing speed should be given in knots.
An example of this format is presented below:
start position: 53.26,2.5 waypoint: 60,0 waypoint:60,-10 waypoint:55,-15 waypoint:45,-50 destination: 33,-30 speed: 22 delay: 2
Use plain text email format or rich text format (rtf).
HTML mail format is not supported.
Normally within a few seconds a reply mail is sent back with attached a text file which contains the forecast of the requested site for the coming 7 days. An example of the text file can also be seen below.

Example of output file:
WAVE AND WIND PREDICTION ALONG ANTICIPATED ROUTE Given start position: 53°15.6'N, 02°30.0'E Given intermediate waypoint: 60°00.0'N, 00°00.0'E Given intermediate waypoint: 60°00.0'N, 10°00.0'W Given intermediate waypoint: 55°00.0'N, 15°00.0'W Given intermediate waypoint: 45°00.0'N, 50°00.0'W Given destination: 33°00.0'N, 30°00.0'W Given sailing speed: 22. knots Given delay: :00 hours Given start time and date (GMT): Thu, May 27, 2004 10:32 Start date and start time of the used prediction file (GMT): Thu, May 27, 2004 00:00 Date/Time Position Dist Windsp. W. dir Hs Tp P. Dir Nm [m/s] [° N] [m] [s] [° N] 27 May, 10:32 53°15.6'N, 02°30.0'E . 3. 32 .9 6.7 350 27 May, 12:00 53°47.1'N, 02°20.1'E 32.1 2.6 340 .9 7.1 348 27 May, 15:00 54°51.9'N, 01°59.0'E 98.1 3.5 318 .9 6.9 348 27 May, 18:00 55°56.7'N, 01°36.7'E 164.1 2. .8 6.6 353 27 May, 21:00 57°01.4'N, 01°13.1'E 230.1 1.8 1 .9 6.2 359 28 May, 00:00 58°06.0'N, 00°48.1'E 296.1 2.3 334 .8 5.9 5 28 May, 03:00 59°10.6'N, 00°21.5'E 362.1 .1 106 .7 5.7 12 28 May, 06:00 60°01.1'N, 00°30.7'W 428.1 1. 46 .8 12.5 269 28 May, 09:00 60°04.5'N, 02°42.7'W 494.1 6.4 132 1.8 12.2 266 28 May, 12:00 60°05.7'N, 04°55.1'W 560.1 11.3 124 2.4 12. 262 28 May, 15:00 60°04.6'N, 07°07.4'W 626.1 11.4 121 2.6 5.4 122 28 May, 18:00 60°01.4'N, 09°19.5'W 692.1 12. 132 3. 6.4 134 28 May, 21:00 59°20.5'N, 10°45.3'W 758.1 8.9 154 3.9 8.5 168 29 May, 00:00 58°22.9'N, 11°47.7'W 824.1 10.3 153 3.6 8.4 184 29 May, 03:00 57°24.8'N, 12°46.9'W 890.1 10.8 157 3.7 8.3 193 29 May, 06:00 56°26.4'N, 13°42.9'W 956.1 9.8 168 4. 9.2 218 29 May, 09:00 55°27.5'N, 14°36.2'W 1022.1 10.1 173 4.2 9.7 227 29 May, 12:00 54°53.8'N, 16°00.6'W 1088.1 13.4 170 3.9 9.1 223 29 May, 15:00 54°41.0'N, 17°52.9'W 1154.1 13.5 181 4.1 8.6 205 29 May, 18:00 54°26.4'N, 19°43.9'W 1220.1 15.5 223 4.8 9.2 239 29 May, 21:00 54°10.2'N, 21°33.5'W 1286.1 15.5 254 5.4 9.9 254 30 May, 00:00 53°52.3'N, 23°21.7'W 1352.1 15.5 267 4.6 9.1 287 30 May, 03:00 53°32.8'N, 25°08.2'W 1418.1 12.8 270 3.7 8.1 303 30 May, 06:00 53°11.8'N, 26°53.1'W 1484.1 6.5 288 3.1 8.3 333 30 May, 09:00 52°49.2'N, 28°36.2'W 1550.1 4.6 330 2.8 8.2 344 30 May, 12:00 52°25.2'N, 30°17.5'W 1616.1 4.1 20 2.5 8.6 351 30 May, 15:00 51°59.8'N, 31°56.9'W 1682.1 6.3 24 2.3 8.9 15 30 May, 18:00 51°33.0'N, 33°34.3'W 1748.1 6.6 28 2.2 8.9 22 30 May, 21:00 51°04.9'N, 35°09.9'W 1814.1 6.4 52 2.8 9.5 24 31 May, 00:00 50°35.5'N, 36°43.5'W 1880.1 6. 66 2.9 10. 200 31 May, 03:00 50°04.9'N, 38°15.1'W 1946.1 9.3 88 3.3 10.1 192 31 May, 06:00 49°33.2'N, 39°44.8'W 2012.1 11. 93 3.2 9.9 173 31 May, 09:00 49°00.3'N, 41°12.5'W 2078.1 5.9 176 3.2 9.3 162 31 May, 12:00 48°26.3'N, 42°38.2'W 2144.1 4.1 225 2.9 9. 142 31 May, 15:00 47°51.2'N, 44°02.1'W 2210.1 6.1 164 2.8 8.8 155 31 May, 18:00 47°15.2'N, 45°24.0'W 2276.1 9.6 153 3. 8.8 191 31 May, 21:00 46°38.2'N, 46°44.1'W 2342.1 10.5 169 3.2 9.3 208 01 Jun, 00:00 46°00.4'N, 48°02.3'W 2408.1 9.7 210 3.5 10. 234 01 Jun, 03:00 45°21.6'N, 49°18.8'W 2474.1 8.9 254 3.5 10.1 235 01 Jun, 06:00 44°44.6'N, 49°24.0'W 2540.1 8. 292 3.3 10.1 185 01 Jun, 09:00 44°09.7'N, 48°05.5'W 2606.1 8.5 265 3.4 10.1 251 01 Jun, 12:00 43°34.0'N, 46°48.5'W 2672.1 8.2 256 3.5 10.1 249 01 Jun, 15:00 42°57.5'N, 45°33.0'W 2738.1 9. 246 3.7 10.3 256 01 Jun, 18:00 42°20.1'N, 44°19.1'W 2804.1 6.3 248 3.7 10.4 261 01 Jun, 21:00 41°42.0'N, 43°06.6'W 2870.1 4.3 255 3.6 10.5 261 02 Jun, 00:00 41°03.1'N, 41°55.5'W 2936.1 3.4 235 3.5 10.3 266 02 Jun, 03:00 40°23.5'N, 40°45.8'W 3002.1 5.8 239 3.5 10.4 271 02 Jun, 06:00 39°43.2'N, 39°37.5'W 3068.1 4.4 249 3.6 10.3 269 02 Jun, 09:00 39°02.3'N, 38°30.5'W 3134.1 7.7 209 3.9 7.7 206 02 Jun, 12:00 38°20.7'N, 37°24.8'W 3200.1 13. 192 3.7 7.5 212 02 Jun, 15:00 37°38.5'N, 36°20.4'W 3266.1 11.4 193 3.3 10.8 278 02 Jun, 18:00 36°55.8'N, 35°17.2'W 3332.1 7. 190 2.6 10.9 282 02 Jun, 21:00 36°12.5'N, 34°15.2'W 3398.1 4.9 175 2.2 11. 284 03 Jun, 00:00 35°28.7'N, 33°14.2'W 3464.1 4.3 155 2.1 10.9 287 03 Jun, 03:00 34°44.4'N, 32°14.5'W 3530.1 3.4 136 2. 10.9 287 Data based on NOAA wave predictions Position calculations based on shortest distance between waypoints Windsp: Wind speed in m/s W. dir: Wind direction in ° (coming from) Hs: Significant wave height in m Tp: Peak period of waves in seconds P. dir: Direction of maximum wave energy in ° (coming from) For more information contact us through our web site, by phone ..31 104671361 or e-mail: